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Beginning with Heidegger: Strauss, Rorty, Derrida, Dugin and the Philosophical Constitution of the Political
Author(s) Michael Millerman
Language English
Genre(s) Philosophy
Publisher Arktos
Publication year 2020
Pages 302
ISBN 1912975807

Beginning with Heidegger: Strauss, Rorty, Derrida, Dugin and the Philosophical Constitution of the Political is a book by political philosopher, translator, and teacher Michael Millerman, PhD, published in 2020 by Arktos.

Publisher description[]

"Beginning with Heidegger is an in-depth examination of the influence that Martin Heidegger’s inceptual thought exerted on Leo Strauss, Richard Rorty, Jacques Derrida and Alexander Dugin. How did these vastly different thinkers employ Heideggerian concepts to define their own philosophies and often antagonistic politics? After outlining Heidegger’s main philosophical points, it discusses attacks on and the misuse of Heidegger’s ideas to advance Rorty’s left-leaning and liberal political agenda as well as the different interpretations that Strauss and Heidegger offer regarding Plato’s notion of the Good.

It also looks at the existential rebirth in Russia that Heidegger’s groundbreaking theories and Dugin’s extension of them made possible. The role of Heidegger’s notion of “Dasein” is the key to a Eurasian awakening for not just one but for many peoples of the heartland. In this respect, both Heidegger and Dugin seem to be the lights that guide a people without a philosophy into a destiny filled with meaning and identity.

The book calls for the incorporation of Heidegger’s thinking into the field of political philosophy and cautions against the distorting effects of our prevailing political prejudices."[1]




  • Beginning with Heidegger
  • The Road to Heidegger
  • Sovereignty and Conversion
  • Political Spiritualities
  • Heidegger’s Gordian Knot
  • Old Masters and New
  • Three Responses to Heidegger’s “Historicism”
  • Beyng-Historical Historicism
  • A Fourth Response
  • Philosophy and Worldview
  • A Strange Axiom

Chapter One: Heidegger

  • Phenomenology and the Constitution of the Sciences
  • Phenomenology: Its Basic Discoveries
  • Radicalizing Phenomenology: From Consciousness to the Question of Being
  • Beyond Being and Time

Chapter Two: Strauss

  • Heidegger on The Idea of the Good
  • Strauss on the Idea of the Good
  • Is Heidegger Modern?
  • Orthodox and Revisionist Straussian Approaches to Heidegger

Chapter Three: Rorty

  • Heidegger, Practically Speaking
  • Hopeful Heideggerianism
  • Against Nostalgia
  • The Missing Circle
  • Grounding Politics Without Philosophy
  • Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity
  • Questioning Piety

Chapter Four: Derrida

  • Introduction
  • Deconstruction and Apophatic Mysticism
  • Inceptual and Deconstructive Topolitologies
  • Philopolemology, or the Philosophical Constitution of the Political
  • Conclusion

Chapter Five: Dugin


  • Access to Heidegger in Political Theory
  • The Politicization of Philosophy
  • The Two Risks
  • What is Political Philosophy?
  • Recapitulation
  • A Way Forward

Books by the same author[]

Publication data[]

  • Beginning with Heidegger: Strauss, Rorty, Derrida, Dugin and the Philosophical Constitution of the Political, Michael Millerman, 2020, Arktos, ISBN-10: 1912975807, ISBN-13: 978-1-912975-80-8

External Links[]

