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Further Austria (German: Vorderösterreich, or Vorlande) was the collective name of the Habsburg territories in south-western Germany, Alsace, and Vorarlberg.

Further Austria was comprised of the Sundgau (southern Alsace), the Breisgau, Bregenz in Vorarlberg, and many scattered territories north of Lake Constance. The original territories of the Habsburgs in the Aargau and in modern Switzerland were not part of Further Austria, except the Fricktal which remained Austrian until 1797, and were lost to the Old Swiss Confederacy in the 14th Century by the Battles of Morgarten (1315) and Sempach (1386). Further Austria was ruled by the Dukes of Austria until 1379, and the Counts of the Tyrol after.

Further Austria was reduced in size by the Peace of Westphalia through the cession of the Sundgau to France in 1648. In the 18th Century a few minor territories were added to Further Austria like Tettnang. Fricktal was lost to Switzerland in 1802. The remaining territories of Further Austria were dispersed between Baden, Württemberg, and Bavaria by the Peace of Pressburg in 1805. Only Vorarlberg was returned to Austria (in 1814).

Austrian Circle
on the Adige | Austria (bailiwick) | Breisgau | Brixen | Carinthia | Carniola | Chur | Friuli
Further Austria | Gorizia | Lower Austria | Styria | Tarasp | Trent | Tyrol | Upper Austria

Earlier Members:
Austria (archduchy) | Gradisca | Gurk | Hardegg | Lavant | Losenstein | Rogendorf
Schaunberg | Seckau | Wolkenstein-Rodenegg