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Lifeboat 14 (Titanic)

Lifeboat 14

Lifeboat 14 was the fourth boat to be lowered from the port side, after 6, 8, & 16. Fifth Officer/Crew Member Harold Lowe took charge of the boat. About 30-32 passengers were in it and there were ten or eleven crewmen and two stewardesses; probably no more than 45 in total when lowered. Chief Officer/Crew Member Henry Tingle Wilde was, according to George Crowe & Joseph Scarrott, also in the vicinity.


Harold Lowe

Joseph Scarrott

George Frederick Crowe

John Stewart

Harold Phillimore

Mary Compton

Sarah Compton

Lillian Minahan

Edith Brown

Ada Maria Clarke

Charlotte Collyer

Marjorie Collyer

Selena Cook

Eva Hart

Esther Hart

Elizabeth Anne Mellinger

Violet Madeleine Mellinger

Edward Ryan

Thamin Tannus

Collapsible A Rescues[]

Edward Brown

William Mclntyre

John William Thompson

Augustus Henry Weikman

George Alexander Lucien Rheims

William John Mellors

Olaus Abelseth

Cal Olof Jansson

August Edvard Wennerström

Retrieved from Water[]

Harold Charles William Phillimore

William Fisher Hoyt

Emilio Ilario Giuseppe Portaluppi

Wing Sun Fong
